Wednesday, February 29, 2012

9 weeks...

(9 weeks pregnant)

Here are a few 9 week updates:
  1. I had to get some jeans that were quite a few pants sizes bigger than I've ever worn. I can tell that my waste is filling out a little.
  2. I had to get a new bra! Apparently I went from a 32 B to a 34 D in only 2 short months!
  3. I found a new doctor and your daddy and I will be going in next week for a check-up and to hopefully hear your heartbeat.
You have graduated this week from an embryo to a fetus and your embryonic tail has disappeared. Your eyes are fully developed. I wonder what color eyes you have! Your reproductive organs have also fully developed. I wonder if you are a boy or a girl!

I can't wait to tell everyone about you! We're waiting until March 26th, which is now only 3 1/2 weeks away. I'll be so excited when everyone can enjoy this journey with us!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My uncle is dying. He has an extremely rare form of blood cancer called chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis. My uncle Dick has to get blood transfusions every month now just to keep his energy level up. He has a young 13 year old son. The average survival rate of this type of cancer is 3.5-5.5 years. Chemotherapy and radiation do not help this type of cancer. The only thing that has a slight chance of curing it is a complete bone marrow transplant. Even at that it isn't a guarentee.

Why am I writing this blog? I'm asking for help. My mom and my other uncle are not bone marrow matches and my grandparents are too old. The cancer is bad enough now that they are looking for a bone marrow match. I would get tested, but I can't due to medical reasons. There's a really quick and painless way to find out if you are a bone marrow match for anyone on the transplant list. It's called BeThe Match You register on their website and they mail you a kit. All you do is swab the inside of your mouth and mail it back to them. I've never thought about doing something like this until it struck this close to my family. If this were your brother, uncle, father or mom wouldn't you want everyone possible to get tested? I know I do.
(My uncle Dick)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

8 weeks...

(8 weeks pregnant)

There is not much to write about this week except that you've been doing a number on my tummy! It amazes me that something so're only an inch long and the size of a green olive...can have so much control over my body. I won't get into all of the nasty details but my stomach has been topsy turvy this week!

Your liver, spleen and gall bladder are developing this week. You are also starting to move a little. I can't wait for the next few months when I'll actually get to feel you move. Your daddy and I enjoy laying in bed at the start of each week reading about how you are growing and developing.

One thing on my list to accomplish this week is to go buy a new bra :)

I am still enjoying my daily 2 mile walks and having fun experimenting with yoga. I know that it will be getting interesting soon once I have a baby bump.

I love you sweet Baby Wedge and I pray for you every night when I lay in the bath tub.

Monday, February 13, 2012

7 weeks...

(7 weeks pregnant)
To my sweet Living Miracle,

Your cousin, Emma, gave you that name and I think it is so fitting. First of all you happened really quickly and you happened after I had surgery only a year ago for some very large fibroid tumors. I think it is also fitting due to what has happened over the last week. Let me give you a little background...
(Here is a picture that she made me. She is quite the ham. She said she was going to call you Zoe, even if you're a boy!)

I went in for my first OB appointment at 5 weeks and 3 days. The doctor did an ultrasound and all we could see was the gestational sac since I wasn't very far long yet. She had me go in for some blood work 48 hours apart to make sure that my HCG levels were rising. A few days later she called me and said that my hormone levels looked great but that she was concerned because she couldn't see you on the ultrasound. She told me that I could be experiencing what was called a blighted ovum, which meant that you hadn't developed past fertilization. Needless to say I was devastated. I had only had the thought of you in my mind for about 2 weeks, but I couldn't imagine losing you. You'll find out sooner or later, but your mommy is a HUGE worrier and over-thinker. The next 2 days were horrible for me until I could get into the hospital where they had better ultrasound equipment. Your daddy and I went in for another ultrasound on February 10, which put me at 6 weeks and 4 days, and guess what?...we saw you and we saw your little tiny heart beating. It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. Now it actually feels real.
(You are that little tiny white blob in the middle of the black sac)
(Getting the ultrasound done)

Today I am 7 weeks pregnant and I have 33 weeks left to go until I get to hold you. I've felt a little queasy here and there but nothing too bad. I can't believe how exhausted I am all of the time. Naps are my new best friend. I'm crazing Taco Bell, but I've only given in to that craving once so far.

Your upper lip and eye lids are forming this week. Your fingers and toes are starting to form. Your brain is developing and circulating spinal fluid. I know you are going to be perfect my sweet Living Miracle.

Your mommy