Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The awesomeness I call my Baby Shower...

I have to say it...I think that the baby shower my sister and best friend put together for me was one of, if not THE, most creative and unique baby shower that I've ever seen.  Now I'm not just saying that because it was a baby shower for me.  They thought of absolutely everything.

The theme of this amazing baby shower was "Storybook."  If you know me at all, you know that this is a perfect fit for me.  I love books and I have since I was a little girl.  The invitations looked like library cards, there was a candy table (since I love candy) that said "Sweet Dreams" above it, the tables looked like beds, the favors were bookmarks, and guests were asked to bring a book to add to Emerson's library with a special hand written note inside.  The decorations matched Emerson's nursery and you could tell there was so much thought put into everything.  My sister and Hannah went above and beyond.

I also felt so blessed to have so many wonderful ladies there to help celebrate with me.  Every single woman that was there has poured into my life in one way or another over the last 31 years and I wouldn't be the woman that I am today without their influence in my life.  It was so great to have old friends, coworkers, close friends and family there.

I was blessed with so many wonderful things for Emerson.  Thank you to everyone who helped with the shower and who came to help me celebrate the life of my little man.

You can judge for yourself on just how awesome this baby shower was!

35 Weeks...

The countdown is on!!  I cannot believe that if I were to go into labor in 2 VERY short weeks that my doctor would do nothing to stop it!  I only have a few more things to get ready and then I plan on relaxing until Emerson decided to make his arrival.

Here are a few highlights of the last week...We are done with his nursery.  I plan on blogging all about it next week.  I packed your diaper bag, so we are totally ready to go on your end.  My hospital bag is almost packed.  I need to finish a few things up with that and then make a list of very last minute things to pack when I actually do go into labor.  I made a playlist that will last us about 5 hours, just in case I need some calming music to relax/distract me during labor.

Things that still need to be done...Install your car seat.  That is getting done this weekend.  Set your bassinet up in our room.  I'm still waiting on the stand for it.  Other than that we are pretty much GOOD TO GO!

I am starting to feel more and more uncomfortable and I am getting more and more ready to meet you.

I am also starting to get anxious.  I often question why I decided to do a natural labor, but then I remind myself that it's for the good of both of us.  I want both of us to be as healthy as possible when you're born and I know that a natural labor will help facilitate that.  I also believe that God knows the desires of my heart and that he will help me through every step of the way.

With every nudge and kick I am reminded of just how excited I am to meet you and finally see what your face looks like.  I hope you look like your handsome daddy :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weeks 33 & 34...

A lot has happened in the last few weeks.  We took our maternity pictures in the city and we had SO MUCH FUN!  There will be a blog to come later once I get my photos :)  I also had a baby shower for you!  It was SO MUCH FUN! There will also be a blog later to come :)  We are almost finished with your nursery.  Your dad has 2 more things to hang and it will be all finished.  I've been putting photos up here and there that I've taken with my iPhone, but there will be a blog later to come with full details of how I created your nursery and with good pictures taken with my nice camera.

I had my last growth ultrasound last week at 33 weeks to check the growth of my fibroids and to also check your growth as well.  You apparently already have a competitive streak because you have managed to beat my 5 fibroids when it comes to growing.  They have barely grown and you already weight 5 lbs!  My doctor is not concerned about my fibroids interfering with your grown or with your delivery.  This is such a HUGE answer to prayers.

I also had another doctor's appointment and you are so healthy!  I have only gained 18 lbs.  I'm interested to see how much I'll gain over the last 6 weeks of this pregnancy.  I'm feeling pretty good on most days.  I just have the usual pregnancy aches and pains.  I have called my doctor twice though in the last few weeks due to a few things that felt kind of weird.  Apparently everything is fine.  I'm just experiencing your head butting up against my cervix (the joys of an occasional electric zing to my lady parts) and my fibroids are causing a little bit of pain.

A few things I am looking forward to over the next few weeks are: packing our hospital bags, finishing up your nursery, getting a huge delivery from Babies R Us, meeting with our doula to go over our birth plan, putting your car seat in our car, and hopefully spending a few weeks relaxing before you get here.

I can't wait to meet my little man in 5 1/2 weeks!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

11 years...

On Sunday, I celebrated being married for 11 years.  Just saying that makes me feel so old.  We decided to take a 4 day trip to one of our favorite places, The Sea Ranch.  We combined our anniversary trip with our Babymoon and had such a relaxing time.  We rented a gorgeous house right on the bluff and spent 4 days napping, eating, playing games and talking.  It was an awesome way to celebrate 11 years of marriage and to enjoy one last vacation together as "just the 2 of us."  

Our 11 years have bee filled with...weddings...divorces...owning two puppies...moving and starting a new adventure in a new jobs...difficulties at jobs...success...failure...Chicago...Boston...Cabo...Hawaii...The Grand Canyon...Yellowstone...The Tetons...Bodega Bay...Sea Ranch...becoming landlords...death...pregnancy...hiking adventures...disappointments...and lots and lots of crazy, amazing LOVE.  

I wouldn't change the last 11 years of my life for anything.  I didn't know what I was getting into when, as a 19 year old child, I chose to devote my life forever to another person.  Boy am I glad that I made that crazy decision.  I cannot wait to see what the next 11+ years hold for Layton and Jocelyn Wedgeworth, because I know that they are going to be full of AMAZING things!

An ode to my bro...

Yesterday my big brother hopped on a plain and flew across the Pacific Ocean to move to Maui.  Needless to say, this is not something that I'm particularly happy about.  My family has always been extremely close and it feels very weird knowing that he is so far away now.  It's very difficult not know when I will see him next and not knowing when he will get to meet his nephew.  However, I am very happy for this new adventure that he is starting.  You see, my brother has had some rough patches in life and needed a fresh start and I am so excited that he has the bravery and courage to start new.  He has a blank canvas waiting for him in Maui and I admire his bravery.  I have been so blessed to have such an amazing big brother.  I will admit, sometimes in high school having such an overbearing big brother got a little old, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  I know that no matter where he is in the world he will always be concerned about my safety and that he will always be thinking of me.  I love you Zachary!

32 weeks...

This week didn't start out the greatest.  My grandpa, your great-grandpa, had a stroke, and my brother, your uncle, moved all the way across an ocean to Maui!  Needless to say, with all of that happening in one day...yesterday was kind of a crappy day!!

However...onto more happy things!  I am 8 months pregnant.  I can't believe it!  Only 5 weeks until I'm full-term and my doctors would do nothing to stop labor.  This is all getting SO real.  I have baby on the brain 24/7 now.  Cribs, mattresses, car seat installation, car seat installation check at the fire department, packing my hospital bag, labor and delivery music play list, reading books about delivery, reading books about trying to get you on a sleep schedule, maternity photo shoot, baby shower, organizing your closet and dresser, ordering last minute things that I don't get for my shower, birth plans, weird physical changes in my body, and the list goes on and on.  Does it sound like your mother is anxious?  The answer is YES!  My sister, your aunt, keeps telling me..."As long as he has clothes and a boob he'll be okay for awhile!"  I think that's pretty good advice. 

I've been very emotional lately.  I think I cry about once a day now.  Your crib is at the store and ready to be picked up and I cried last night when I found out it wouldn't fit in our car.  Now I have to wait until next Tuesday to have it delivered.  

We've been taking birth classes at the hospital and last night we took a tour of labor and delivery.  It was so much fun.  I cannot believe that I am kinda actually looking forward to the whole labor and delivery aspect of birth.  I don't enjoy pain, but I think that this will be the kind of pain that is so rewarding knowing that my body can do something so incredible.  Also, I know that the outcome will make it all worth while.  The hospital that you will be born at in Berkeley is the 2nd largest delivery hospital in the state of CA.  They deliver over 8,000 babies a year.  More than 1/2 of their deliveries are non-medicated births and the birthing suites are really great!  The beds break down into birthing stools with squatting bars that can be attached.  They have showers with bath tubs in every room.  And since it's Berkeley, they are very supported of a mother's choice for non-medicated birth.  

The excitement, anticipation and anxiety is building.  I'm just trying to take it easy and relax as much as possible before you get here.