Monday, October 20, 2014

Little Brother's Gender Reveal

28, 32, and 36 weeks

How far along: 28, 32, and 36 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 22 lbs

Maternity clothes: I have pulled out my maternity clothes for when we've gone out, but I still pretty much live in yoga pants and stretchy tank tops during the day.  They are a lot more comfortable for me to play with Emerson.  

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss right now.  Most nights I have to get up to pee 2 or 3 times and then in between that I'm woken up by raging heartburn and have to eat a few Tums.

Best moment these past few month: Finding out that you flipped head down!  I'd been trying so much to get you to flip and it actually happened.  So we're heading for a VBAC it looks like!

Movement: A lot!  You are starting to run out of room, so your movements have turned into more of a rolling motion or a stretching.

Food cravings: Bean burritos and egg salad sandwiches.

Gender: You are still a boy!

Labor signs: None - Just a few Braxton Hicks throughout the day.

Belly button - in or out? It's completely out now!

What I miss: Wine

What I am looking forward to: Having you!  Today I am full term, so we're just playing the waiting game now.

Milestones: This past weekend we got your carseat in the car, your bassinet set up next to our bed, my hospital bag packed, and the swings ready for you.  Now we're just waiting!