This may be a jumble of words and thoughts, but I just had to get it out.
I was thinking tonight while I was soaking in my tub about life's blessings. I was thinking about a children's book that I used to read about a character named Ramona and she would always have a pity party for herself. Right in the middle of my tub I was starting to have a pity party, just like Ramona. I was starting to feel kind of bad for myself, wondering why...when I heard God say to me, "YOU ARE BLESSED! Yeah, you may have people that choose to not be in your life. Yeah, you may have pain in your back A LOT! Yeah, may be SO EXTREMELY tired doing your job everyday...
You have people that truly care about you. People that call you, text you, set up dinner/lunch dates with you, an amazing and devoted husband that truly has your best interests at heart, and at least you can get out of bed everyday and at least you have a paying job!"
I felt a check in my spirit. Why do I complain to myself in my head, and to others out loud? Why can I not see the TREMENDOUS amounts of blessing that surround me everyday? Why can I not see past the hurt and the rejection?
I CAN! And I WILL see past all of that! If not now, when? I choose to see past the pity party and to look God's blessing head on in the face. I choose to see that I am an amazing person and deserve to be treated that why by all who are in my life. I will embrace those blessings that God has placed in my life and I will allow them to make me prosper. I will no longer allow the enemy to place obstacles in my way, be it through people or things. Those things no longer have control over my life!
I invite you to follow me in this journey and maybe you'll learn a little about yourself too!