Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Carving with Hannah

I used to have a tradition with a friend for the last few years of carving pumpkins around Halloween time. Well...for obvious reasons, that tradition is no longer in existence.

However, I was blessed this year to carve pumpkins with my beautiful friend Hannah. We spent a relaxing and great evening together. I was able to see her new apartment and she baked a cake while we sat around chatting. Then we carved our pumpkins while we waited for her husband to come home and make us dinner. It was a refreshing and fulfilling time spent with a woman that I am so grateful to call my friend.

Hannah and I met a few years ago through a website and have quite a lot in common. I'm so blessed that we're "Internet friends."

Love you Hannah!!


  1. That is awesome Jocelyn. Isn't it awesome how when/if a season of friendship ends, God brings someone else along that is perfect for "right now"? That is a wicked cool pumpkin too!

  2. Aww Thanks Joc! I haven't read your blog in a while, I just saw this! I love you and am honored to be your day's blessing :)
