Thursday, November 3, 2011


"For I am confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

I have a lot of thoughts going around in my head, so I'll just spew them all here and hope that they make a little sense. I have been MIA for the last almost 2 months because I started back up at work and to make a long story short...this has been my toughest year of teaching in my entire career. I am so out of my element. I thought moving to a new school would be a piece of cake. I mean I've taught for 7 years. Boy was I wrong. I know nothing about the culture and demographics of the students I'm teaching. I'm so out of place! I wanted to quit, but then a dear friend of mine (Jessica) sent me the above verse in a text message and I've seen the verse a few other times over the last few weeks. I am reminded that God start a work in me 25 years ago. He put a desire in my heart for teaching and He has promised that He will finish the work that He starts in his children. I just wish that this particular thing wasn't so challenging. I've also come to realize that teaching has been kind of easy for me over the past 7 years. I've never had to really rely on God EVERY SINGLE DAY when I walk into my classroom...until this year. I find myself thinking in my head about 500 times a day, "God give me patience. I literally cannot do this on my own. Please give me your authority, wisdom and love."

I'm excited, yet scared, to see what God has in store for me this school year. I know that it has to be something good.

I've also been MIA because I've just been so downright exhausted. I didn't realize how difficult it would be living away from family and friends. It seems like every weekend we've been in Sac or have had family/friends staying with us. There hasn't really been much down time.

Life feels kind of crazy right now and we have a few things on the horizon for 2012 that may make life even crazier! Through all of the craziness God continues to remain good and He continues to put people and things in our lives to remind us that he is molding and shaping us into what He wants us to me.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Stay tuned for a few fun posts of fun happenings in my life over the next few weeks!


  1. I love you friend! I believe the Lord gave me that verse for you that day and you will carry it with you daily. I too am looking forward to the changes and new things in your life. <3!

  2. Great verse. Love you friend and I am excited to see where God will take you next year!
