Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weeks 30 & 31...

The last 2 weeks have been pretty much uneventful except for the fact that my belly seems to be getting HUGE!  I have only gained 15 lbs and people keep telling me that I don't look like I'm almost 8 months pregnant, but I woke up yesterday feeling like a cow.  I am still walking 5 days a week and doing a regular yoga class once a week and a prenatal class once a week.

We did have your Aunt Magen's wedding in Bodega Bay, which was very exhausting.  It's a lot of work hauling around a baby belly.  I had a lot of fun getting dressed up with your daddy and I was so grateful that the dress I got still fit my ever expanding belly.

Pretty much my days consist of doing something to get ready for you.  I started another furniture painting project for your room this week and I've also been working on a few more art pieces for your wall as well as a few homemade onesies for you.  It seems like there is always something to do or buy in order to get ready for you to come home with us.  We got your stroller and car seat, which I am in love with.  We ended up going with the UPPAbaby travel system.  It comes with the stroller seat and a bassinet.  We'll be able to use the bassinet in our bedroom for the first few weeks that we have you in our room with us. I also LOVE the solid color black car seat that I got for you.  I cannot believe that you are going to be in it in 9 short weeks.  I've been reading a few books to help me prepare for the nature childbirth that I hope I can have and we will be meeting with our doula in about a month to work on our birth plan.  Life is moving right along as we greatly anticipate your arrival.  You are quite the mover and shaker these days!  You are starting to get up into my ribs and you are actually keeping me awake at nights.  I love laying and watching the tidal waves that you create in my belly.  Your moving inside of me is really the only thing I will totally miss about being pregnant.

A few things that I'm looking forward to in the next few weeks...

  • Going to The Sea Ranch with your daddy to celebrate our 11th anniversary and to have a little Babymoon
  • Our maternity pictures that we are taking in the city
  • My baby shower

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