Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weeks 33 & 34...

A lot has happened in the last few weeks.  We took our maternity pictures in the city and we had SO MUCH FUN!  There will be a blog to come later once I get my photos :)  I also had a baby shower for you!  It was SO MUCH FUN! There will also be a blog later to come :)  We are almost finished with your nursery.  Your dad has 2 more things to hang and it will be all finished.  I've been putting photos up here and there that I've taken with my iPhone, but there will be a blog later to come with full details of how I created your nursery and with good pictures taken with my nice camera.

I had my last growth ultrasound last week at 33 weeks to check the growth of my fibroids and to also check your growth as well.  You apparently already have a competitive streak because you have managed to beat my 5 fibroids when it comes to growing.  They have barely grown and you already weight 5 lbs!  My doctor is not concerned about my fibroids interfering with your grown or with your delivery.  This is such a HUGE answer to prayers.

I also had another doctor's appointment and you are so healthy!  I have only gained 18 lbs.  I'm interested to see how much I'll gain over the last 6 weeks of this pregnancy.  I'm feeling pretty good on most days.  I just have the usual pregnancy aches and pains.  I have called my doctor twice though in the last few weeks due to a few things that felt kind of weird.  Apparently everything is fine.  I'm just experiencing your head butting up against my cervix (the joys of an occasional electric zing to my lady parts) and my fibroids are causing a little bit of pain.

A few things I am looking forward to over the next few weeks are: packing our hospital bags, finishing up your nursery, getting a huge delivery from Babies R Us, meeting with our doula to go over our birth plan, putting your car seat in our car, and hopefully spending a few weeks relaxing before you get here.

I can't wait to meet my little man in 5 1/2 weeks!!

1 comment:

  1. It has been a busy few weeks! He'll be here before you know it :)
